• 1. 
    What is the name of the poet?

  • Sylvia Plath
  • Carl Sandburg
  • Robert Frost
  • Robert Burns
  • 2. 
    What does the fog look over?

  • Over houses
  • Over the harbour and the city.
  • Over offices.
  • None of the Above.
  • 3. 
    How does the fog come?

  • Slowly and silently.
  • Faster and silently.
  • Faster and making noise.
  • None of the Above.
  • 4. 
    What is the rhyme scheme of the poem ‘Fog’?

  • aabbccdd
  • abcd
  • aabc aabc
  • no rhyme scheme
  • 5. 
    What does the fog do while it looks over the city and the harbour?

  • sits
  • moves
  • stands
  • dances
  • 6. 
    What has been personified in the poem?

  • fog
  • city
  • cat
  • harbour
  • 7. 
    How does the fog arrive and depart?

  • by announcing its arrival
  • silently
  • loudly
  • both1 and 3
  • 8. 
    What has the poet compared the fog with?

  • dog
  • cat
  • woman
  • none of the above
  • 9. 
    After sitting, the fog ___

  • Disappears
  • sits there only
  • moves on
  • gets dense
  • 10. 
    The feet of the fog are like __ feet.

  • cat
  • lion
  • tiger
  • dog
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