• 1. 
    Which of the following colonies was settled first?

  • Jamestown
  • Plymouth
  • Roanoke
  • Pennsylvania
  • 2. 
    Which of the following was the primary reason the Jamestown colony was established?

  • Religious freedom
  • The creation of a free and independent land
  • Profit for European investors
  • To defeat Native Americans in the region
  • 3. 
    What crop became the key piece in the economic success of the Jamestown colony?

  • Wheat
  • Tobacco
  • Corn
  • Sugar
  • 4. 
    Which of the following best describes the headright system employed by the Jamestown colony?

  • It was a system where settlers in the colony were granted the freedom to create their own local governments.
  • It was a system used to choose leadership in the Jamestown colony.
  • It was a system created to keep colonists safe from Native American attack.
  • It was a system that guaranteed 50 acres of land for every colonist who paid for their own transport to the colony.
  • 5. 
    The House of Burgesses that was developed in Virginia during the colonial age was one of the first examples of what in the American colonies?

  • Divine right of kings
  • The right to bear arms
  • Representative government
  • None of the above
  • 6. 
    What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims used to travel to Plymouth?

  • The Nina
  • The Santa Maria
  • The Mayflower
  • The Jolly Roger
  • 7. 
    Which of the following was the primary reason the Plymouth colony was established?

  • Religious freedom
  • To spread Christianity to native peoples
  • Profit for European investors
  • To defeat Native Americans in the region
  • 8. 
    What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

  • To serve as a written set of rules the Plymouth colonists agreed to follow
  • To inform officials in England that the Mayflower had arrived safely in the New World
  • To set up trading networks with other British colonies in the New World
  • To plan for a return trip to England
  • 9. 
    Which of the following was a key reason the Pilgrims were able to survive the harsh conditions of the Plymouth colony?

  • The Pilgrims brought a surplus of supplies on their journey to the colony, which sustained them for many years.
  • The pilgrims received support from the Wampanoag people.
  • The pilgrims received support from the King of England.
  • The Pilgrims were rugged and determined people who had little trouble with the conditions in Plymouth.
  • 10. 
    What was George Calvert’s intended goal for the colony of Maryland?

  • To create a naval base for the British Empire to use in defense of its colonies
  • To allow himself, and others like him, the opportunity to escape debts
  • To create a society that supported the ideals of the Church of England
  • To create a safe haven for Catholics who were being persecuted in England
  • 11. 
    Why did the British seek to take over the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam?

  • The British were afraid of a Dutch attack.
  • The British were afraid the Native Americans would soon overpower the Dutch, so they stepped in to help.
  • The colony's location at the mouth of the Hudson River was a valuable port for colonial trade.
  • The British and Dutch were engaged in a long-standing war in the New World.
  • 12. 
    What was the result of King Philip’s War?

  • The New England settlers worked with the Native American tribes in the region to oust the French and Dutch settlers, who were planning to set up their own colonies.
  • The New England settlers decimated the strongest Native American tribes in the region, and went on to expand their settlements into what was previously Native American territory.
  • The Native Americans pushed European settlers out of their tribal lands.
  • The allegiance between the New England settlers and Wampanoag Indians became much stronger.
  • 13. 
    What was the main cause of Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676?

  • British colonists wanted a larger share of the Virginia Company’s profits than they were being given.
  • British colonists were upset that they couldn’t settle western lands due an agreement with Native Americans.
  • British colonists wanted religious freedom.
  • British colonists wanted to break away from the British Empire.
  • 14. 
    What was William Penn’s primary purpose in creating the colony of Pennsylvania?

  • To create a safe haven in North America for Quakers
  • To generate profits from the region’s abundant supply of natural resources.
  • To create a military outpost to defend against French and Native American threats.
  • To be recognized for exploring and charting the Appalachian wilderness.
  • 15. 
    What was James Oglethorpe’s main purpose for establishing the colony of Georgia in 1732?

  • To provide a safe haven for those escaping religious persecution from the Church of England
  • To encourage Catholics to migrate to the New World
  • To provide new opportunities for England’s poor and indebted
  • To provide support for Christian missionaries working in the New World
  • 16. 
    Which of the following created the greatest economic growth for Europeans and their North American colonies during the colonial period?

  • Triangular Trade
  • The Stock Market
  • New knowledge of Native American weapons
  • Finding the Northwest Passage
  • 17. 
    Which of the following best describes the attitudes of Native Americans towards the European colonies prior to the French and Indian War?

  • The Native Americans disliked all European colonists and colonial empires.
  • The Native Americans were widely supportive of the European colonists and colonial empires.
  • The Native Americans built trust through solid trading relationships with the French, but were weary of the British who regularly broke their treaties and agreements.
  • The Native Americans built trust through solid military relationships with the British, but were weary of the French who regularly broke their treaties and agreements.
  • 18. 
    Which of the following best describes the French and Indian War?

  • America fought for its independence from Great Britain.
  • The French and the Indians fought against each other for control of North America.
  • The French and British fought to remove the Indians from North America.
  • The British fought against the French for control of North America.
  • 19. 
    Which of the following best describes the outcome of the French and Indian War?

  • The British defeated the French
  • The French defeated the Indians
  • The French defeated the British
  • The Americans defeated the British
  • 20. 
    Pontiac’s Rebellion was a Native American response to:

  • British colonists settling in lands promised to the Native Americans
  • The end of the French and Indian War
  • The Proclamation of 1763
  • Broken promises by the French government
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