• 1. 
    Which of the following had the greatest impact on influencing Native American culture?

  • Tribal warfare
  • The Northwest Passage
  • The Middle Passage
  • Nature and environment
  • 2. 
    Which of the following is the most widely accepted theory to explain how Native Americans immigrated to the Western Hemisphere?

  • Native Americans traveled by boat across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Native Americans traveled over a land bridged that once connected Asia and North America.
  • European explorers brought Native Americans to North America.
  • Native Americas have always inhabited the Western Hemisphere.
  • 3. 
    Many early Native Americans were considered nomads. This means that they:

  • Migrated from place to place in search of food and resources
  • Did not have a spoken language
  • Created permanent settlements
  • Did not eat meat
  • 4. 
    Which of the following skills would allow a culture to shift from being nomadic to settled?

  • The ability to make durable weapons
  • The ability to make fire
  • Learning the skills necessary to farm
  • Developing a written language
  • 5. 
    Which of the following cultures developed first?

  • Aztec
  • Inca
  • Olmec
  • Maya
  • 6. 
    The _____________ civilization was one of the first major cultural groups in what is now Mexico and Central America. Their interest in astronomy influenced their religion, architecture, and highly accurate calendar. The civilization disappeared prior to the year 1,000 leaving behind little evidence about why they vanished.

  • Aztec
  • Inca
  • Maya
  • Hopi
  • 7. 
    Which of the following terms describes the picture-based written language of the Mayan people?

  • Myopic
  • Tenochtitlan
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Script
  • 8. 
    Which of the following best describes the government of the Mayans?

  • Democracy
  • Dictatorship
  • Oligarchy
  • Theocracy
  • 9. 
    Why did the Mayans construct pyramids such as those built in the city of Tikal?

  • To be used as a site for ceremonial burials
  • To be used during religious ceremonies
  • To help people navigate through the dense jungles of Central America
  • All of the above
  • 10. 
    The _____________ were native peoples who settled in western mountains of South America. They worshipped the sun god and created vast temples, crafted golden ornaments, and carried out rituals to display their faith. Their population rose to over eight million people before succumbing to invading European explorers in the 1500s.

  • Aztec
  • Inca
  • Maya
  • Hopi
  • 11. 
    What crop made it possible for cultures in Mexico and Central American to transition from being nomadic to being settled?

  • Tobacco
  • Maize
  • Squash
  • Sugar
  • 12. 
    The _____________ is a Native American group that settled in the Arctic regions of North America. To survive, they traditionally relied upon animal products like furs, oils, and fats that they could harvest from Arctic wildlife.

  • Inuit
  • Iroquois
  • Dakota
  • Sioux
  • 13. 
    The North American mound-building cultures most likely found inspiration for their mounds and other earthworks from:

  • The pyramids of the Maya and Aztecs
  • The Egyptian pyramids
  • The European explorers
  • They most likely found their inspiration independently
  • 14. 
    The _____________ Confederacy was a group made up of five tribes from the Northeastern Woodlands region of North America who came together to create and maintain a complex government.

  • Inuit
  • Navajo
  • Iroquois
  • Lenape
  • 15. 
    How did the Native Americans of the Great Plains come to acquire and domesticate horses?

  • Spanish explorers gave them to the Native Americans as a peace offering.
  • Spanish horses got loose and eventually migrated north into the Great Plains.
  • Horses had always been in North America, the Spanish simply showed the Native Americans how to tame and ride them.
  • The Native Americans of the Great Plains acquired and learned about horses from Native Americans on the west coast of the continent.
  • 16. 
    What made the Navajo and Apache tribes different from other Native American tribes living in the American Southwest?

  • They remained nomadic hunters and gatherers long after most other groups in the area had become settled.
  • They relied upon trade with South American cultures for survival.
  • They blended their culture with the Spanish settlers to form a powerful alliance.
  • They did not believe in war.
  • 17. 
    What was the main purpose of the traditional Iroquois longhouse?

  • To house large groups of families
  • To accommodate spiritual ceremonies
  • To serve as burial chambers for the dead
  • To serve as a military fort
  • 18. 
    What led Native American tribes such as the Anasazi to create cliff dwellings in the American Southwest?

  • They did not know how to build other types of structures.
  • Cliffs provided natural protection and were strong enough to hold up to the environment.
  • It was easier to farm in a cliff than on the ground.
  • The higher elevation allowed them to feel closer to the gods.
  • 19. 
    What was the main construction material of Native Americans of the Southwest?

  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Adobe
  • Bamboo
  • 20. 
    Which of the following proved to be the biggest threat to Native American cultures and their ability to survive?

  • Incessant tribal warfare
  • The second Ice Age
  • A lack of natural resources
  • The arrival of European explorers and traders
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