• 1. 
    Which of the following best summarizes the results of the Election of 1800?

  • Thomas Jefferson won the presidency in a landslide.
  • Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the Electoral College; the House of Representatives broke the tie and elected Thomas Jefferson.
  • Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the Electoral College; the House of Representatives broke the tie and elected Aaron Burr.
  • Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the popular vote, so the Electoral College had to be created to break the tie and eventually elect Thomas Jefferson.
  • 2. 
    How did the Twelfth Amendment change the presidential election process?

  • If there was a tie in the Electoral College, the popular vote would be used to break the tie instead of deferring to the House of Representatives.
  • It abolished the Electoral College.
  • It put a limit on the number of terms someone could be president.
  • It changed the way vice presidents were elected.
  • 3. 
    Which of the following best describes the tone and message of President Thomas Jefferson’s Inaugural Address?

  • Jefferson sought to mend divisions between the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans while also pushing for a smaller, weaker federal government.
  • Jefferson attacked Federalist ideology and boasted about his plans to dismantle the opposition party.
  • Breaking from the Democratic-Republican ideals he campaigned on, Jefferson laid out a plan to expand the power of the federal government.
  • Jefferson made it clear that creating stronger foreign relations was the number one priority of his administration.
  • 4. 
    How did Jefferson deal with the national debt he inherited from the Federalist presidents before him?

  • Jefferson added to the national debt by increasing government spending.
  • Jefferson reduced the nation debt by reducing the number of military personnel and other federal employees.
  • Jefferson reduced the national debt by increasing taxation on US citizens.
  • Jefferson took no actions that changed the national debt.
  • 5. 
    What was the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of

  • It established the principle of judicial review.
  • It made James Madison the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
  • It affirmed that federal laws have supremacy over state laws.
  • It showed that the Supreme Court could not stop Congress from passing laws that are contrary to the Constitution.
  • 6. 
    Which of the following best describes the result of the Louisiana Purchase:

  • The United States purchased a small plot of land at the mouth the Mississippi River from French settlers.
  • Thomas Jefferson negotiated to purchase the Louisiana Territory from the French but was blocked by Congress.
  • The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from the Spanish for $15 million.
  • The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from the French for $15 million.
  • 7. 
    Why was Napoleon so eager to sell off the Louisiana Territory?

  • Napoleon wanted to build a friendly relationship with the United States and President Jefferson.
  • Napoleon was luring America into a trap.
  • Napoleon failed to put down a slave revolution in Haiti and was likely facing a war with Great Britain.
  • Napoleon was unable to deal with Native American revolts in the territory.
  • 8. 
    What was the objective of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

  • To make contact and establish relations with the Native Americans living in the Louisiana Territory.
  • To survey the land America acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.
  • To gather information about the plants, wildlife, and natural resources in the Louisiana Territory.
  • All of the above.
  • 9. 
    Which of the following people provided support to Lewis and Clark that was instrumental in helping them navigate and survive the western territories?

  • Zebulon Pike
  • Sacagawea
  • Squanto
  • Pontiac
  • 10. 
    How did Zebulon Pike’s expedition into the Rocky Mountains end?

  • Pike was forced to return from his journey before achieving his given objectives due to a supply shortage.
  • Pike met up with Lewis and Clark and helped them complete their journey towards the Pacific Ocean.
  • Pike died from illness shortly after summiting the mountain that now bears his name.
  • Pike was captured by the Spanish who feared he was acting as a spy.
  • 11. 
    What was the main disagreement that led to the fatal duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr?

  • Hamilton and Burr had a dispute over personal debts.
  • Hamilton believed Burr was trying to become governor of New York to break the state away from the United States, so he sabotaged his campaign.
  • Hamilton and Burr had a dispute over a woman.
  • Burr was convinced that Hamilton was secretly working with a foreign power and actively plotting against the United States.
  • 12. 
    How did President Jefferson deal with the Barbary pirates?

  • He paid bribes to the Barbary pirates to ensure safe passage for American ships in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • He joined with several European nations in an effort to capture and dismantle the fleet of ships crewed by Barbary pirates.
  • He went to war with Tripoli, the home base of the Barbary pirates.
  • He refused to negotiate with the pirates; instead he avoided trade in the Mediterranean Sea until European forces expelled the threat.
  • 13. 
    What was the result of the Election of 1804?

  • Jefferson was reelected in a landslide over Federalist Charles Pinckney.
  • Jefferson ran unopposed and was reelected president by default.
  • Jefferson lost the election, but refused to give up his position.
  • Jefferson barely defeated his Federalist opponent.
  • 14. 
    How did the war between Britain and France in 1803 affect the United States’ trade overseas?

  • The United States prospered from trade with the British and French.
  • The United States saw an increase in trade with Britain, but refrained from trading with France.
  • The United States saw an increase in trade with France, but refrained from trading with the British.
  • The United States did not trade with Britain or France.
  • 15. 
    What was President Jefferson’s initial reaction to the British kidnapping and impressment of American sailors?

  • He instructed Secretary of State James Madison to start building a case for war.
  • He immediately launched a campaign to both recover the kidnapped Americans and retaliate by kidnapping British sailors.
  • He was upset by the British aggression and called for a boycott of British goods.
  • None of the above.
  • 16. 
    What did the Embargo Act of 1807 do?

  • It prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports.
  • It prohibited trade with Britain, but didn't apply to other countries.
  • It prohibited trade with France, but didn't apply to other countries.
  • It banned exports to other countries, but still allowed for imports.
  • 17. 
    What was result of the Embargo Act of 1807?

  • It had mixed success and was finally repealed after the War of 1812.
  • It was a failure and it was repealed after 15 months.
  • It succeeded and remained in place up until World War I.
  • It forced Britain to stop their campaign of impressment and was subsequently repealed.
  • 18. 
    What was the result of the Election of 1808?

  • Thomas Jefferson was defeated for a potential third term by former ally James Madison.
  • Thomas Jefferson was elected to a third term.
  • Thomas Jefferson chose not to seek a third term; James Madison defeated Federalist Charles Pinckney.
  • James Madison was awarded the presidency after running unopposed.
  • 19. 
    What was the status of relations between the Native American tribes and the United States government at the end of the Jefferson administration?

  • Jefferson had gone to great lengths to strengthen the bonds between the Native Americans and the United States through successful treaties and trade deals.
  • While both sides maintained their own interests in North America, Jefferson created a culture of tolerance between the Native Americans and the United States.
  • The Louisiana Territory was now a safer place for Native Americans who had previously endured harsh treatment under the occupation of the French and Spanish.
  • Jefferson’s increased focus on westward expansion resulted in Native Americans losing their lands and falling victim to the increased spread of disease.
  • 20. 
    What was the result of the Battle of Tippecanoe?

  • William Henry Harrison defeated the Shawnee alliance and successfully put down their resistance to American settlement of the West.
  • Tecumseh and the Shawnee alliance held their ground against the American troops, preventing further American encroachment into Native American territory.
  • Both sides fought to a draw and negotiated a peaceful settlement to the disputes over western lands.
  • None of the above.
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