• 1. 
    What causes the ocean's tides?

  • All of the above
  • Gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, and the rotation of the Earth
  • Energy from the Sun's rays
  • Wind moving across the surface of the water
  • 2. 
    What is a diurnal tide cycle?

  • A tide cycle that occurs twice a week
  • A tide cycle that occurs once a month
  • A tide cycle that occurs twice a day
  • A tide cycle that occurs once a day
  • 3. 
    What do we call a high tide that occurs on the opposite side of the Earth from the Moon?

  • Neap tide
  • Antipodal
  • Sublunar
  • Semi-diurnal
  • 4. 
    What do we call the flow of water as the tide rises or falls?

  • Tidal stream
  • Tidal current
  • Tidal wave
  • Tidal river
  • 5. 
    What is the tidal range?

  • The difference in sea level between the low tide and high tide
  • The time it takes for a low tide to become a high tide
  • The time between high tides
  • The rate at which the tide changes
  • 6. 
    What tidal current occurs when the tide is moving away from the ocean and towards the shore?

  • Flood current
  • Ebb current
  • Slack water
  • All of the above
  • 7. 
    What tidal current occurs exactly at high tide or low tide?

  • Flood current
  • All of the above
  • Ebb current
  • Slack water
  • 8. 
    What type of tide occurs when the sea level is at its lowest?

  • Low
  • High
  • Spring
  • Neap tide
  • 9. 
    What type of tide occurs when the tidal range is at its smallest?

  • High
  • Spring
  • Low
  • Neap tide
  • 10. 
    What type of tide cycle occurs twice a day?

  • Spring
  • Semidiurnal
  • High
  • Low
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