• 1. 
    Find the names of these cities with temperature and condition whose condition is neither sunny nor cloudy.

  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition NOT IN (‘sunny’, ‘cloudy’)
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition NOT BETWEEN (‘sunny’, ‘cloudy’)
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition IN (‘sunny’, ‘cloudy’)
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition BETWEEN (‘sunny’, ‘cloudy’);
  • 2. 
    Find the name of those cities with temperature and condition whose condition is either sunny or cloudy but temperature must be greater than 70.

  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition = ‘sunny’ AND condition = ‘cloudy’ OR temperature > 70
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition = ‘sunny’ OR condition = ‘cloudy’ OR temperature > 70
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition = ‘sunny’ OR condition = ‘cloudy’ AND temperature > 70
  • SELECT city, temperature, condition FROM weather WHERE condition = ‘sunny’ AND condition = ‘cloudy’ AND temperature > 70
  • 3. 
    What does the ALTER TABLE clause do?

  • The SQL ALTER TABLE clause modifies a table definition by altering, adding, or deleting table columns and/or constraints
  • The SQL ALTER TABLE clause is used to insert data into database table
  • THE SQL ALTER TABLE deletes data from database table
  • The SQL ALTER TABLE clause is used to delete a database table
  • 4. 
    SQL query to find the temperature in increasing order of all cities.

  • SELECT city FROM weather ORDER BY temperature
  • SELECT city, temperature FROM weather
  • SELECT city, temperature FROM weather ORDER BY temperature
  • SELECT city, temperature FROM weather ORDER BY city
  • 5. 
    Which SQL function is used to count the number of rows in a SQL query?

  • COUNT()
  • NUMBER()
  • SUM()
  • COUNT(*)
  • 6. 
    The UPDATE SQL clause can _____________

  • update only one row at a time
  • update more than one row at a time
  • delete more than one row at a time
  • delete only one row at a time
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