• 1. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Regular flow of goods means _____

  • Warehouse provides protection to the stocks, ensures their safety and prevents wastage
  • Warehousing ensures regularsupply of such seasonal commodities throughout the year.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 2. 
    Warehouse is ...

  • place for commudity storage
  • logistics
  • garage for goods
  • 3. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Continuity in production means _____

  • Warehouse provides protection to the stocks, ensures their safety and prevents wastage
  • Warehousing ensures regularsupply of such seasonal commodities throughout the year.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 4. 
    What is Bonded Warehouses

  • The warehouses which are owned and managed by themanufacturers or traders to store, exclusively
  • These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by government as well as private agencies
  • These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by co-operative societies.
  • 5. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Creation of employmentmeans _____

  • Various steps necessary for sale of goods such as inspectionof goods by the prospective buyers, grading, branding, packaging and labelling canbe carried on by the warehouses.
  • Warehouses create employment opportunities both forskilled and unskilled workers in every part of the country.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 6. 
    What is Public Warehouses

  • The warehouses which are owned and managed by themanufacturers or traders to store, exclusively
  • The warehouses which are run to store goods of the generalpublic are known as public warehouses
  • warehouses are owned, managed and controlledby central or state governments
  • 7. 
    What is private warehouses

  • The warehouses which are owned and managed by the manufacturers or traders to store, exclusively
  • The warehouses which are run to store goods of the general public are known as public warehouses
  • warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by central or state governments
  • 8. 
    What is Co-operative Warehouses

  • The warehouses which are owned and managed by themanufacturers or traders to store, exclusively
  • These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled bygovernment as well as private agencies
  • These warehouses are owned, managed and controlledby co-operative societies.
  • 9. 
    Benefits of warehouse is protection of goods means _____

  • Warehouse provides protection to the stocks, ensures their safety and prevents wastage
  • Warehousing ensures regularsupply of such seasonal commodities throughout the year.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 10. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Useful for small businessmen means _____

  • Construction of own warehouse can preserve their raw materials as well as finished products in public warehouses.
  • Modern warehouses are generally fitted with mechanical appliancesto handle the goods. Heavy and bulky goods can be loaded and unloaded by usingmodern machines, which reduces cost of handling such goods.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 11. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Convenient location means _____

  • Warehouse provides protection to the stocks, ensures their safety and prevents wastage
  • Warehousing ensures regularsupply of such seasonal commodities throughout the year.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 12. 
    What is Government Warehouses

  • The warehouses which are owned and managed by themanufacturers or traders to store, exclusively
  • The warehouses which are run to store goods of the generalpublic are known as public warehouses
  • warehouses are owned, managed and controlledby central or state governments
  • 13. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Reduces risk of loss means _____

  • Goods in warehouses are well guarded and preserved. Thewarehouses can economically employ security staff to avoid theft, use insecticides for preservation and provide cold storage facility for perishable items.
  • Warehouses create employment opportunities both forskilled and unskilled workers in every part of the country.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 14. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Facilitates sale of goods means _____

  • Various steps necessary for sale of goods such as inspectionof goods by the prospective buyers, grading, branding, packaging and labelling canbe carried on by the warehouses.
  • Warehouses create employment opportunities both forskilled and unskilled workers in every part of the country.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
  • 15. 
    Benefits of warehouse is Easy handling means _____

  • Warehouse provides protection to the stocks, ensures their safety and prevents wastage
  • Modern warehouses are generally fitted with mechanical appliancesto handle the goods. Heavy and bulky goods can be loaded and unloaded by usingmodern machines, which reduces cost of handling such goods.
  • Warehouses are generally located at convenient places nearroad, rail or waterways to facilitate movement of goods
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