• 1. 
    Who said, “Economics is a science of wealth. ”

  • Marshall
  • Robbins
  • Adam Smith
  • J. K. Mehta
  • 2. 
    “Economics is a science of logic. ’’ Who said it ?

  • Hicks
  • Keynes
  • Robbins
  • Marshall
  • 3. 
    Micro Economics includes:

  • Individual unit
  • Small units
  • Individual price determination
  • All of these
  • 4. 
    Who was the father of Economics ?

  • I. B. Say
  • Malthus
  • Adam Smith
  • Joan Robinson
  • 5. 
    Who gave the definition of Economics related to welfare ?

  • Adam Smith
  • Marshall
  • Robbins
  • Samuelson
  • 6. 
    The word ‘micro’ was firstly used by:

  • Marshall
  • Boulding
  • Keynes
  • Ragnar Frish
  • 7. 
    According to whom, Economics is a science of human welfare ?

  • A Marshall
  • Paul Samuelson
  • J. S. Mill
  • Adam Smith
  • 8. 
    Which of the following is not a factor of production ?

  • Land
  • Labour
  • Money
  • Capital
  • 9. 
    The central problem of an economy is:

  • What to produce ?
  • How to produce ?
  • How to distribute produced goods ?
  • All of these
  • 10. 
    Consumer behaviour is studied in:

  • Micro Economics
  • Income Theory
  • Mac o Economics
  • None of these
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